About us

During the years 2000-2004 I have studied SOŠ veterinární in Hradec Králové. In 2011 I was graduated in Veterinary and farmaceutical university in Brno. During my studies I participate a lot of externships. After my graduation I have started to work in Veterinary clinic HK-vet in Hradec Králové and at the same time I have started to work with team Horsevets Since 2012 I provide my own veterinary service in area of Trutnov for small and farm animals.





Externships and practise experience:

2008- externship in University P urdue  (USA)

2009- externiship in veterinary clinic American Fondouk in Fez (Maroco)

2010- erasmus program in Veterinary faculty of University Complutense in Madrid

2010- externship in Centre of reproduction for horses Keros (Belgium- Passendale)


2010- stomatology of horses (vets4vets)

2011- Course of insemination and embryotransfer in cows, sheeps and goats (VFU)

2011- Workshop of sonography for small animals (Atomvet)

2011- Conferention ČAVLMZ- endokrinology

2012- International congress SIVE (Italy-Bologna)

2012- Kožní nádory u koní s Prof. Knottenbeltem v Brně

2013- Aktuální problémy v buriatrické praxi II v Brně

2013- Mezinárodní kongres SIVE (Itálie- Arezzo)

2013- Equine Distal Limb Ultrasound Course (VetPD)

2013- Úvod do veterinární akupunktury (Dr. Richard Olajec)